8-Jan-2021 |
Manganese Joint Venture Interest Sale Update
- In November 2020 Bryah received $5.0 million conditional cash offer for its interest in the Bryah Basin Manganese Joint Venture
- OM (Manganese) Ltd has waived its Pre-emptive Right to match the offer
- Bryah is now free to complete the sale of its Manganese JV interest
- Bryah to retain rights to all commodities other than manganese over the joint venture area, which is highly prospective for copper and gold
5-Jan-2021 |
High-Grade Manganese at Horseshoe South
• Best results from drill holes completed in November 2020:  HSRC087 - 3 m (5-8m) @ 37.8% Mn including 2 m @ 44.3% Mn from 5m  HSRC106 - 4 m (8-12m) @ 35.9% Mn including 3 m @ 39.7% Mn from 9m  HSRC095 - 4 metres (5-9m) @ 30.0% Mn  HERC071 - 16 metres (6-22m) @ 26.1% Mn  HERC066 - 8 m (10-18m) @ 28.9% Mn • Potential channel deposit intersected defined by lower Iron and Phosphorus grades • Diamond drilling completed at Horseshoe South Extended for density and beneficiation testwork, which will be key inputs into mineral resource estimates • Results of drilling will be used to update geological model ahead of mineral resource estimates • Drilling programs are fully funded by OM (Manganese) Limited
23-Dec-2020 |
Tumblegum South Gold Processing Agreement
- Conditional agreement provides access to Adaman Resources’ processing facility at the Kirkalocka Gold Mine to treat material mined from Tumblegum South gold deposit
- Parties will work together to satisfy Conditions Precedent ahead of signing binding agreement in 2021
- Final agreement to be structured as a 50/50 profit share arrangement
17-Dec-2020 |
Manganese Drilling Update
- High-grade (>30% Mn) manganese intersected in shallow drilling at Brumby Creek Prospect
- Drilling confirms mineralised zone is open to South at Brumby West and Area 74 prospects
- Results of drilling at Horseshoe South manganese mine expected in coming weeks
- Diamond drilling underway to collect manganese samples for density and beneficiation testwork, which will be key inputs into mineral resource estimates
- Results of drilling will be used to update geological model ahead of mineral resource estimates in 2021
- Drilling programs are fully funded by OM (Manganese) Limited
9-Dec-2020 |
Bryah completes $1.3 Million Placement
- $1.3 million in firm commitments received for a Placement to fund Bryah’s copper-gold exploration at its Bryah Basin and Gabanintha Projects
- Planning underway to drill test Bryah’s recently identified Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) copper-gold target at the Windalah Prospect