ASX Announcements

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  • In November 2020 Bryah received $5.0 million conditional cash offer for its interest in the Bryah Basin Manganese Joint Venture
  • OM (Manganese) Ltd has waived its Pre-emptive Right to match the offer
  • Bryah is now free to complete the sale of its Manganese JV interest
  • Bryah to retain rights to all commodities other than manganese over the joint venture area, which is highly prospective for copper and gold

• Best results from drill holes completed in November 2020:
 HSRC087 - 3 m (5-8m) @ 37.8% Mn including 2 m @ 44.3% Mn from 5m
 HSRC106 - 4 m (8-12m) @ 35.9% Mn including 3 m @ 39.7% Mn from 9m
 HSRC095 - 4 metres (5-9m) @ 30.0% Mn
 HERC071 - 16 metres (6-22m) @ 26.1% Mn
 HERC066 - 8 m (10-18m) @ 28.9% Mn
Potential channel deposit intersected defined by lower Iron and Phosphorus grades
Diamond drilling completed at Horseshoe South Extended for density and beneficiation testwork, which will be key inputs into mineral resource estimates
• Results of drilling will be used to update geological model ahead of mineral resource estimates
• Drilling programs are fully funded by OM (Manganese) Limited