Bryah Basin Copper-Gold Project


Bryah Basin Tenure highlighting Mining Leases
The Bryah Basin project area is located approximately 100-150km north of the town of Meekatharra in Western Australia. The Company’s tenements and manganese mineral rights cover 1,135km² over parts of the western Bryah Basin. Active and historic mines located close to the Company’s tenements include the Fortnum, Labouchere, Horseshoe, Peak Hill, Hermes and Harmony gold mines and the Horseshoe Lights copper/gold mine.

Gold and Copper Exploration

Bryah Basin East 

  • Windalah Project - location of the discovery of a Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) copper-gold target. This confirms the potential for a new copper-gold discovery on this highly prospective land package.
  • Olympus Prospect - ready to drill to test another geochemical auger soil and rock chip anomaly on the northern limb of the Mars Dome.

Bryah Basin West

  • Prospective ground near to Fortnum Gold mine and Auris Minerals' Wodger and Forrest Copper projects

Regional Overview

Historical exploration during the 1980s and 1990s primarily focused on gold targets that could be mined by shallow open pit methods. Deeper exploration was generally limited to the immediate vicinity of the then operating mines. Exploration and mining activity in the Bryah Basin declined substantially during the late 1990s and 2000s.

With the discovery of the DeGrussa copper-gold deposit by Sandfire Resources NL (Sandfire) in 2009, a renewed phase of exploration across the Bryah Basin commenced, targeting deeper volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) style mineralisation.

In June 2015 Sandfire discovered the high-grade Monty copper/gold VMS deposit. Details of Sandfire’s exploration results are available online from ASX.

Windalah Prospect

In October 2018, Bryah Resources announced that it had discovered multiple zones of gold mineralisation in drilling at the Windalah Prospect (formerly known as the Mars 1 Anomaly), which lies within the Bryah Basin Project.

 High-grade gold mineralisation was recorded in 2 drill holes:

  • BBRC019: 5 metres @ 6.62 g/t Au (79-84m), including 1m @ 15.05 g/t Au (82-83m)
  • BBRC020: 2 metres @ 3.39 g/t Au (78-80m), 4 metres @ 2.72 g/t Au (134-138m), and 3 metres @ 6.69 g/t Au (145-148m) including 1m @ 10.52 g/t Au (146-147m).

In May 2020, a short RC drilling program of 210 metres consisted of 3 holes (BBRC047-BBRC049) was drilled to test for shallow extensions of the gold mineralisation intersected in 2018.

The best result was:

  • BBRC049: 12 metres @ 4.32 g/t Au from surface, including 2 m @ 17.19 g/t Au from 3 metres

In April 2022 a high sulphidation Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) system with copper-gold potential was confirmed at Windalah. Six diamond drillholes were completed for a total of 1,260m. A follow up diamond drilling program design is underway.

  • Geology displays textbook high sulphidation VMS geological features and textures, confirming a syngenetic hydrothermal volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) system.
  • Broad sulphide-rich zone with copper mineralisation and VMS pathfinder element enrichment intersected. Large intersections of significantly sulphide enriched rocks include:
  • 146m @ ~15.7 weight percentages0F (wt%) sulphide stringer zone from 182m in BBDD0011 (includes 3.12m massive sulphide zone)
  • 89m @ ~19.4 wt% sulphide stringer zone from 176m in BBRD0701 (includes 5.95m massive sulphide zone)

Supergene upgrade and visual identification of copper minerals including Bornite, Chalcopyrite and Malachite. Best results included:

  • 3.07m @ 0.13% Cu and 0.27ppm Au from 125.5m in hole BBRD070
  • 3.79m @ 0.1% Cu from 319.7m in hole BBRD070
  • 0.24m @ 0.15% Cu from 125.66m in hole BBDD001

A follow up diamond drilling program in Late 2022, completed 717m, with the best results:

  • BBRD072: 2 metres @ 3.88 g/t Au from 437m, and
  • BBRD072: 1 metre @ 0.35% Cu from

Up to 140m sulphide stringers were observed in the diamond core, that were interpreted as VMS, within a silica-sericite-chlorite-pyrite altered feeder structure.

Olympus Prospect

The Olympus Prospect lies on the Northern limb of the Mars Dome, which forms part of a series of double-plunging anticlinal dome structures in the northern Bryah Basin. This is termed the Aquarius trend and consists also of the Saturn and Jupiter Domes to the north-west. These dome structures connect laterally with outcropping Narracoota Formation to the northeast through a series of possible covered dome and basin structures.

First pass drilling commenced at Olympus for a total of 2,148m of RC drilling completed in June/July 2022 and identified a prospective mineralised horizon. Semi-massive sulphide mineralisation and anomalous copper up to 0.1% Cu. Highly anomalous Volcanogenic Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) pathfinder elements were identified, together with follow up copper-gold drill targets. Drilling costs were supported by a $130,000 in co‐funded Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) funding from the Government of Western Australian for this program.

West Bryah Basin Project Area

Bryah Resources Ltd. holds tenements located approximately 2km west of the Wodger and Forrest copper-gold prospects held by Auris Minerals (ASX: AUR).

The Company considers the exploration success at AUR’s Big Billy, Wodger and Forrest prospects as highly encouraging and suggest excellent potential for similar copper-gold VMS mineralisation to be discovered on BYH’s neighbouring tenements and elsewhere within the West Bryah Basin.