Bryah Basin Manganese Joint Venture Project

Bryah Basin Manganese

The Company has an opportunity to develop low-cost manganese mining operations in the Bryah Basin. Manganese is considered a critical mineral for its use in steel and batteries.

Manganese Joint Venture

Bryah Resources Limited has Joint Venture with OM (Manganese) Limited (OMM), a wholly owned subsidiary of ASX-listed OM Holdings Limited (ASX:OMH). The JV is currently split 40% BYH and 60% OMH.

In March 2022 Bryah announced a Maiden Mineral Resource of 1.84Mt at 21% Mn. The Mineral Resource includes 0.65Mt at 20% Mn on granted Mining Lease M52/86.

OM Holdings Limited is a vertically integrated Manganese and Silicon specialist involved in mining, smelting and trading, with operations located in Australia, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore and South Africa.  In Australia, OMM operates the Bootu Creek manganese mine in the Northern Territory which has ceased open pit mining operations.

The JV applies to approximately 660km2 of the Company’s Bryah Basin Project in central Western Australia, including the historic Horseshoe South Manganese Mine.

Since April 2019, OMM has funded over $2M of project expenditure which has yielded highly encouraging manganese drilling results.

The aim of the JV is to explore for commercially mineable manganese and carry out Feasibility Studies. If a positive Feasibility Study is supported by a Decision to Mine, then OMM and Bryah may elect to participate in a Mining Joint Venture in proportion to their JV interests or convert to a Royalty. Bryah is to negotiate a Sales Agency Agreement on commercial terms with OM Holdings Ltd in respect to all manganese ore production under the Mining JV.

The JV with OMM includes an area of Mutual Interest which extends for a radius of 100 kilometres from the Horseshoe South Manganese Mine (M52/806).

Brumby Creek Results

High-grade manganese identified under cover

  • BRRC074 23m @ 25.8% Mn from surface
  • BRRC108 30m @ 33.6% Mn from 9m, including 16m @ 38.0% Mn
  • BRRC167 14m @ 26.0% Mn from 22m, including 7m @ 32.4% from 22m
  • BRRC165 10m @ 29.4% Mn from 13m
  • BRRC156 12m @ 27.5% Mn from 12m

Preparing for Mining

  • Drilling additional targets
  • Mining Lease Applications
  • Further GAIP surveys to generate targets
  • Advanced metallurgical test work
  • Critical Resource quantum to restart operations defined
  • Feasibility study - process design and costings
  • Environmental studies
  • Commence approvals process for mining

Manganese Exploration

The Horseshoe Range area has been the main manganese producing region within the Bryah and Padbury Basins, with production dominated by the Horseshoe South Mine, and a smaller satellite deposit at the Horseshoe North Mine. The first production period for these 2 deposits was from 1948 to 1971, when 490,000 tonnes of manganese ore was mined at a reported average grade of 42% Manganese. Process Minerals Limited, a subsidiary of ASX-listed Mineral Resources Limited, produced a further 400,000 tonnes of manganese ore from the Horseshoe South Mine between 2008 and 2011.

Other historical manganese mines within the area are at Mudderwearie, Elsa Mary and Mount Padbury with each reported to have yielded grades exceeding 40% Mn.